by John Larkin

This past week Season 2, Episode 3 of The Video Archives Podcast was released on all podcasting platforms. For those who may be unfamiliar, The Video Archives Podcast features Roger Avary, Gala Avary and Quentin Tarantino discussing at length, various film titles pulled from Tarantino's personal VHS collection that he acquired from his former employer, The Video Archives in Hermosa Beach, California before their doors shuttered.
What I love most about the show is learning about semi-obscure films I would otherwise probably not have ever discovered and getting to hear them all openly and honestly wax about them. Amongst the newfound titles is a always a spattering of titles I have seen/heard of. This past week, one of the three films discussed at length was THE SUBSTITUTE (1996) written by our owner and Editor-In-Chief Roy Frumkes along with co-writer Rocco Simonelli. The conversations on VAP are always immensely entertaining and discussion on THE SUBSTITUTE was no different. You can listen to the whole episode on your favorite Podcast platform, but for now here is a brief clip of Tarantino talking about Roy's career and his involvement with Films in Review!